Saturday, December 19, 2009

Kent Smith (1): Incarnations of God

From Kent Smith:

Key Question: What would it take to see a vibrant family of Jesus in close reach—culturally and geographically—of every person on the planet?

Why is this question key? Because it can focus our attention on what has God’s attention: a Bride who, in her many-splendored beauty, is made up of representatives of all the peoples—every tongue, tribe and nation. This Bride alone has the capacity to reveal the fullness of God’s multifaceted wisdom, and to share intimate communion with God now and through the ages of eternity.

For this to happen, incarnations of God—communities that reveal Jesus with skin on—must come near in every people group on earth. Vibrant families of Jesus must spring up everywhere.

So, exactly what are these vibrant families of Jesus? In our next post I’ll unpack that idea some. Meanwhile, what do you think? Is this key question really key? From your perspective, why or why not?


  1. What would it take (methods, tools, strategies, people etc.) to see a vibrant family of Jesus (individuals, church, community, tribe(s), network(s) etc.) in close reach (house, hall, business, building, place, park, meeting etc.) - culturally (christian, non-christian, other?) and geographically (local, national, global, virtual, other?) - of every person on the planet?

    This question is key because it stimulates many other questions that need to be answered. There are many varieties of house churches (simple, organic, open, relational etc.) forming. Are they vibrant families of Jesus? Are they models for family life? Is there a particular form? Does form always follow function? Is their a particular form that is Biblical? Are there specific methods or strategies that are necessary to see this happen? I look forward to seeing what you are going to share regarding the question "What is a vibrant family of Jesus?"

  2. Ross,

    I agree with you. That simple phrase "a vibrant family of Jesus within easy reach of every person in every region or people group" stimulates all kinds of vital questions.

    What does it mean to be a "family of Jesus"? If we really believed that church = family, what difference would that make? How does the life of the family/community grow out of intimate conversation with Jesus? What does that say about what we do when we are together? When we are apart? What does "vibrant" mean? What does it look like? What are the necessary conditions for vibrancy?

    And, then, "within easy reach". Can there be so much life in these families that the lost are drawn to Christ? Can they multiply spontaneously and virally so that every region and people group can see that life up close?

    Those are questions worth talking about! And, that's exactly what "Stories from the Revolution" is all about.

