Thursday, January 21, 2010

Mission Flows from Listening - Continued

A group of guys from among the many in the relational Colorado House Church Network discussing the idea that mission is a byproduct of listening. The discussion focused in on the idea that everyone has a mission or calling, but that it must be discovered by listening to God and then acting on what He says. Additionally, the myth that foreign missions are superior to those callings lived out on home soil is discussed and the idea that all mission that flows from listening is equal and powerful.

Mission Flows From Listening from Noah Cremisino on Vimeo.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Mission flows from Listening

There's lots of conversation these days about becoming "missional Christians." But, how does this actually happen. Where does the motivation and direction come from?

Hobby Chapin, a church planter in Brighton, CO (north of Denver) has discovered that teaching people to listen to God's voice is more effective than exhorting them to be missional. Most of the people in his house churches are involved with daily "churches of two". As they learn to listen, mission (church planting, evangelism, etc.) occurs spontaneously.

CO2's naturally result in "missional Christians."

Listen to Hobby's comments on this below...

Saturday, January 16, 2010

12 Days of Christmas

I know Christmas is over but this is a story you need to hear.

Coach Bill received direction from the Lord about caring for a family in need over Christmas. Specifically, he was to use a "program" called "The 12 days of Christmas". He shared this with his sister, Kay, and then they shared with the whole house church.

The result? One family with three small children received a huge dose of God's love in a time of need.

The point? It's not that we should all plan on doing "The 12 days of Christmas" for someone next year. Rather, it is that "mission flows from listening". Imagine hundreds of house churches across your city allowing God to direct them to minister in unique and creative ways to people in need.

Watch this video to see the story unfold. (Make sure you turn up the sound.)

Monday, January 11, 2010

Every home a church

The motto of the Chinese housechurch movement is:

*Every home a church
*Every believer a church planter
*Every church building a training center

Sean and Jessica Hyatt, in Aurora, CO used the CO2 concept to live this out in their home. Here's Sean's description...

My wife and I participated in the October experiment by CO2’ing together that month. It was a wonderful experience. Since then I have also enjoyed practicing the CO2 concept with a couple close brothers in my church family, and with other brothers in various ways.

Well, last week I believe the Lord put on my heart the idea and burden to CO2 as a household, daily, with my wife and children. So, we have been practicing this together for almost a week now. Easier said than done – but it has also been incredibly rewarding and transformational for our family already!

What I felt on my heart was a concept about following Christ together, daily, with one’s entire household - those with whom we share a roof over our heads, food, finances, and everyday life. Already my wife and I (along with our 10 and 7 yr old boys, 1 yr old daughter, and little dog) have enjoyed some wonderful times of worship and devotion together since the new year began. All checking in together, then spending some time praying and listening, then sharing what we hear the Lord saying to us together, and trying to obey it, together. Following Him daily – together.

I would be happy to write again as we get further into the month with some highlights on what we’ve been hearing from the Lord, how it’s been going, and further thoughts on this concept of “CO2’ing” with one’s household.

Thanks, Sean! We'll look forward to hearing more from you on this. And, we would love to hear stories of others who are doing something similar. Imagine if this became the norm for American Christians! Click on "Comments" and tell us your story.


Saturday, January 9, 2010

SASHET at breakfast

This is from my friend, Ken, in California...

Hey John,

I just wanted to tell you that my five year old reminds us to do SASHET around the breakfast table every morning. It has been good for us as a family.

Clearly, SASHET is not just for adults. In fact, children seem instinctively to want to talk about what is going on in their heart. And, they want to know what is going on in our heart.

Tell us what you are learning in your family about this kind of communication.
(Remember - the marriage, and then the family, is the first and most foundational expression of church.)


Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Rose Starr - Part 2: Doing C02 in the Context of Community

Doing SASHET = Listening to one another at a heart level
Doing "Virkler" = Listening to the God who speaks
Two disciplines simple enough for anyone to learn and teach to others.

In this second part of a conversation with Rose Starr of Denver, she shares how practicing C02 as a community has impacted the house church she and her family attend.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Rose Starr - The Transformational Power of C02's - Part 1

Rose Starr and her husband, Desi, are church planters in an area near downtown Denver called "Five Points." In this first part of a recent conversation I (Tim) had with Rose, she shares how practicing Virkler (connecting with God) has transformed her relationship with God and how practicing SASHET (connecting with others at a heart level) with her husband has helped them to connect in a more intimate way.

Do you have a story of how practicing C02 has been transformational in your life? Share it in the comments below or contact us so we can record it for others to hear.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

CO2 spread to England (2)

More "church of two" insights from Chris Jefferies in Cambridgeshire, England...

I've had a further thought about CO2 based on my own experiences with it. Just wanted to share in case it's useful to you in any way. If so feel free to share it any way you wish.

Long, long ago (about 1975/6) I was involved in the so-called Charismatic Renewal in the UK. When we met at home across the denominational divides it was normal to experience prophecy, visions, interpreted tongues, and to receive words direct from the Lord. In other words, the flow that Mark Virkler pointed out as available to all of us was well known at that time and expected eagerly - but only in meetings! (At least, that was my experience.)

We expected the free flow of the Spirit during our meetings, but it didn't occur to me that this was also available personally and at any time. I think I was under the impression it was only possible because we were meeting - as if the Spirit fell on the meeting, not on the individuals gathered there.

So the flow component of Virkler in CO2 comes very naturally to me and leaves me wondering, 'Why have I not been doing this for years and years?' How silly! But better late than never, and CO2 has played an important part in achieving it.

Very helpful comment, Chris! Thank you.


PS. The photo is of Ely Cathedral in Cambridgeshire where Chris lives. Seems that a new and very different expression of church is now developing there!

Saturday, January 2, 2010

CO2 spreads to England

Chris Jefferies lives in St. Neots, Cambridgeshire, UK. Chris learned about the "church of two" concept at the House2House Conference last fall in Dallas, TX. Here's Chris' story. (BTW, file this under "Viral Multiplication".)

In early December I began CO2 with a house church friend, Sean. After the first week we were clear that we very much wanted to continue, and after three weeks we both agree that our relationship with one another and our relationships with the Lord are deepening noticeably.

Our experiences are similar to those reported by others commenting on 'Stories from the Revolution'. I had expected CO2 to be good, but it was trying it out for myself over a period of days that really convinced me. It's sometimes been difficult to keep going on a daily basis, but it is so worth the effort. My advice - don't give up, keep on keeping on and you will benefit.

Even if you don't have a partner for CO2, I would recommend doing the VIRKLER and SASHET exercises on your own each day. You will still see some useful benefit. But working in pairs or small groups will amplify the value greatly.

VIRKLER (particularly the hearing and journaling aspects) has deepened my awareness of the Lord's constant presence in my life.

SASHET has brought us closer to one another in mutual understanding, respect and trust.As we pray with and for one another in the light of hearing the Lord's direction to each of us, I'm fully convinced we'll be led into church life and sharing the gospel in ways we could hardly have imagined at first.

CO2 is not an end in itself. It is, however, a really useful framework for hearing from the Lord and at the same time developing broader and deeper relationships between individuals. In this way it stimulates spiritual growth and can act as both a building block for church and a platform for sharing the gospel. What a versatile tool!

Thanks, Chris!

To read more of Chris' CO2 story, check out his blog at
