Monday, January 4, 2010

Rose Starr - The Transformational Power of C02's - Part 1

Rose Starr and her husband, Desi, are church planters in an area near downtown Denver called "Five Points." In this first part of a recent conversation I (Tim) had with Rose, she shares how practicing Virkler (connecting with God) has transformed her relationship with God and how practicing SASHET (connecting with others at a heart level) with her husband has helped them to connect in a more intimate way.

Do you have a story of how practicing C02 has been transformational in your life? Share it in the comments below or contact us so we can record it for others to hear.

1 comment:

  1. Tim & Rose,
    This is so cool! Thanks for the talk. I just received a phone call this evening from a friend of mine, asking specifically if I will teach her how to hear God's voice through Virkler's keys. She's coming over later this week and not only will I practice CO2 with her and look at the 4 Keys, but we'll also watch this post. Awesome! Thank you so much! This is fun!
