Monday, September 13, 2010

Pynes Cohort

For the last several days, you’ve had an introduction to the (Kent) Smith Cohort which, as I’ve mentioned, is face to face. The (Tim) Pynes Cohort, by contrast, is virtual. With the exception of the CO2 pairs, the people in this cohort don’t know each other and will not meet in person over the 12 week Apprenticeship. So, this will be an important part of the experiment as we pay attention to how community develops and how learning occurs in this virtual context.

As I’ve mentioned before, Tim Pynes brings an important passion for coaching to the Apprenticeship. In addition to facilitating and coaching his own cohort, he will also be training/sharpening Kent, Chadd, myself and some future cohort leaders in coaching skills this fall.

In the video below, you will see one of the CO2s that will be in the Pynes Cohort. I was able to catch up with David and Les at the National House Church Conference for a short interview. Following that, Tim gives us a brief introduction to coaching.

Your comments/questions?


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