Thursday, October 28, 2010

Eight year old: "God will never talk to me!"

The Luke Ten Community is committed to restoring the church to the home. Part of what this means is that family members learn how to pay attention to and talk about their hearts. (Did that happen in the family you grew up in?) And, then, it also means learning how to hear God's voice. We believe that children can hear God just as well as adults can.

Yesterday you read the story of how this way of thinking about church is being worked out with a mother and her 16 year old daughter. Today, in the video below, I want you to hear a wonderful story about Desi Starr's 8 year old son.

Imagine what would happen if this way of being church began to spread.

Our motto: Transforming cities one household at a time.


Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Understanding more about SASHET

In this video, Tod Brown shares some important insights about how and why we use SASHET to check in.


My 16 year old daughter and I were walking on the beach the other day. She had been home from school for about a week as she had a bad acne breakout. She had become very depressed as a boy at school had been rather cruel to her, and she felt very ugly and wanting to isolate herself. This was in contrast to just 4 weeks prior when she had 2 prophetic words over her life at 2 different times of an Esther anointing on her life.

I had introduced her to the SASHET concept some time ago, so asked if we could do it as we walked back along the beach. She told me that she was excited, but also tender. She was excited that she had such a bright future with God as she revisited everything that had been spoken over her life. She was tender as she reflected on the pain in her heart about the acne/bullying, but after resting for a week she could see that becoming vulnerable by this situation had brought her closer to God. I asked her what she felt God saying to her and she felt Him saying He would heal her heart and she would be left with only scars, scars being a healthy reminder of both the wound and the healing.

It was then that we could "see" that what was happening on the outside of her body was a reflection of what was happening within. Stuff coming up and out as God was applying gentle pressure. As we prayed I felt Gods strong presence and healing, honouring her for sharing truthfully and for responding to His prevenient work in her life.

I am sensing how powerful SASHET really is. Tod said that staying to these 6 words forces us to go deeper. I am loving the word DEEP - "deep calls unto deep", and God meets us there. I feel such a desire on God's part to heal us deep within. He has been saying to me this week about His desire for "truth in the innermost parts of our being". I am moved by the depth that He wants to go with us, it is overwhelming and all consuming.

Monday, October 25, 2010

LK10 Meetings in Central Texas

I wanted to get the word out to anyone in Central Texas about our upcoming meetings in Killeen. The gathering on Sunday (11/7) is for anyone interested in house church. The meetings on Monday (11/8) and Tuesday (11/9) evenings build on the Sunday gathering and focus on leadership training.

In order to attend and to get information about locations, you will need to call Jim Mellon. (254) 466-1853


The Church Comes Home: An Introduction to House Churches

Sunday, November 7th from 3 – 9 pm

George Barna’s book, Revolution, asserts that there is a major shift underway in the American church landscape. A recent Pew Foundation Report supports this idea with the finding that 7% of American Christians now consider a meeting in their home as their primary expression of church. Across the country, thousands of house churches are appearing. And, some traditional churches are beginning to develop hybrid models that incorporate the key elements of house church life.

Join John White and Hobby Chapin, leaders in the Luke Ten Community, as they explore the Biblical basis for “the church in the home”. Understand the value of “rabbit” churches and “elephant” churches. Learn practical tools that can help any group become “a vibrant family of Jesus”. Imagine what a church planting movement in Central Texas might look like. Interactive and practical.

Sponsored by the Luke Ten Community and the Killeen House Church Network

Training for House Church Leaders and Church Planters.

Two nights. Monday and Tuesday (Nov. 8 and 9) from 6:30 – 9 pm

For anyone who is already leading a house church or feels God may be calling them to do that. Also, for those called to church planting.

Join John White and Hobby Chapin as we examine the strategy for church planting that Jesus taught to his disciples. Key concepts like: praying for and identifying the house of peace, starting CO2s (churches of two), forming meaningful community, learning to hear the Head of the church together, developing regional apostolic teams. Interactive and practical.

This will build on the concepts presented on Sunday. So, people planning on attending Monday and Tuesday evenings should also attend the meeting on Sunday.

Want to know more about LK10? Check out these websites and

Friday, October 22, 2010

NBC News Reports on the House Church Movement

More and more the media is catching on to the house church movement. Last night (10/21/10), Brian Williams on NBC's Nightly News reported that, at a time when the Crystal Cathedral in California is filing for bankruptcy, 9% of American Protestants now attend only house church. This is an estimated 6-12 million people. (See the video below.)

Although not reported on the program, this represents growth at an unprecedented rate. Even 10 years ago, house churches were almost unheard of in this country. The percentage of Protestants attending only house church was certainly under 1%.

And, no one (no human, at least) is behind this major shift in the American spiritual landscape. It wasn't launched by Rick Warren or Bill Hybels. It wasn't planned by the Southern Baptists or by Campus Crusade. It is simply a spontaneous move of the Holy Spirit to return the church to the way church was practiced in the New Testament.

The Luke Ten Community exists to join God in what He is doing with house churches. Our mission is to "connect and equip emerging house church leaders". Our vision is to see "a vibrant family of Jesus (house church) on every block of every neighborhood of every city or region."


Wednesday, October 20, 2010

The 10:2b Prayer in Belfast in 1932

When I was a student at Fuller Seminary in the early 1970s, I had the privilege of taking a class on the history of revivals from Dr. J. Edwin Orr. At the time, Dr. Orr was well into his 70s and certainly knew more than any man alive about what the Spirit of God had done in periods of revival throughout history.

What I didn't know until a few days ago was how instrumental he was in a revival that occurred 40 years before in Belfast, Ireland in 1934. This grew out of Orr and one other man praying what we would now call the 10:2b Prayer (ie, they were praying for "laborers"). Take a look at the video below and notice the very specific requests (which grew out of listening to God) that these two men (a CO2?) were making.

What city are you praying for? Who is your 10:2b prayer partner? What specific requests has God put on your heart?


Tuesday, October 19, 2010

"Forging ahead with lights and sirens"

One of the Learning Assignments last week for the Apprenticeship was reading a quote from Brother Yun, the Chinese house church leader, on the importance of hearing God's voice. Dean Cross, a battalion chief for a Fire Department in Sacramento, posted this great comment (see below) on Brother Yun's quote in his cohort's online discussion group.


As I was responding to a fire call today with multiple units responding, one of my duties is to make sure that all the fire units are on the same radio channel and so I do a roll call. If a unit does not respond to the roll call as I call them off, that typically means they are not on the tactical channel and are missing all the radio traffic that is associated with the incident. Although it was a false alarm today, one unit never did switch his radio to the right channel. He missed the fact that it was a false alarm and although the unit was cancelled, he continued to blaze to the address with lights and sirens.

I met the officer of the unit there and emphasised the importance of switching over to the assigned tactical channel for roll call and to hear what is going on with the incident. It reminded me of day nine in the CO2 e-book where Brother Yun talks about how if you aren't tuned in to God's fresh voice (channel) everyday you will be left behind as the children of Isreal were when they didn't follow the cloud by day and pillar of fire by night. How many of us have been forging ahead with lights and sirens in our spiritual journeys when the call was cancelled because we weren't listening to what God is up to currently and preveniently. God is talking, but we are on the wrong radio frequency to hear His voice and so we forge ahead without Him. I'm glad I'm learning how to quiet myself, switch to the right radio channel and listen.

Here's the quote from the CO2 ebook...

Brother Yun wrote The Heavenly Man which is the amazing story of Godʼs work in China through house churches. Hereʼs his comment about the importance of hearing Godʼs voice…

"Another important thing every follower of Jesus must learn is that God's methods and strategies are never exactly the same in any two situations. It is futile to use a strategy God gave a hundred years ago, or last year, or even last week. He is not some kind of machine. He is a personal, intimate God, and His mercies are new every morning!

After the Israelites crossed the Red Sea, they were led by a pillar of cloud by day and a pillar of fire at night. The children of Israel had to follow the Lord whenever the cloud or fire moved. If they were too slow, they would be left behind. We must hear His voice and receive His guidance everyday. When we do so, we will be amazed at the number of opportunities that open for us to share His love with people." Brother Yun, Living Water (p. 135)

Sunday, October 17, 2010

"Every home a church"

In articulating the idea of "every home a church", we are recapturing a fundamental Hebraic value. Marvin Wilson in Our Father Abraham: Jewish Roots of the Christian Faith writes...

After the destruction of the Temple in Jerusalem... the rabbis began to refer to the home as a miqdash me'at, that is, a "small sanctuary" or "miniature temple."... Foundational to all theory on the biblical concept of family is the Jewish teaching that the home is more important than the synagogue. In Jewish tradition, the center of religious life has always been the home. The Church has yet to grapple seriously with this crucial concept... Nothing in God's plan has ever replaced the home as bearing primary responsibility for imparting Christian values and insuring godly nourishment and growth for each family member." (p. 214-216)

See below for two videos about one family that is taking this biblical concept seriously.  The first video was made early in 2010.  At that point, the Hyatt family had been experimenting with this for about two months.  The second video interview took place about a year later.  This is a wonderful picture of a home that has become a miqdash me'at.

America (or any country) would be transformed if every Christian household returned to this one biblical value!


Saturday, October 16, 2010

"The power of two"

I want to continue to give you snapshots of the Apprenticeship. (Perhaps God will want you to be a part when we begin new cohorts in January.)

The following is a post (shared with permission) from Sharon Hutchinson in Queensland, Australia. Let me point out a few aspects of the Apprenticeship that are illustrated in what Sharon writes...

  • Each cohort has 10-12 members who connect with each other in multiple ways. One way is a private online discussion group. What you will read below is Sharon's post to that group last week.
  • Each week there are Learning Assignments for the cohort. Sharon is sharing with the group her reflections (which are excellent!) on last weeks assignments.
  • Every cohort member is in a "church of two" (CO2). Sharon's partner is Maree Watson who lives in a whole different part of Australia. (What this illustrates is that distance in no deterrent to effective CO2s!)
  • Every cohort connects via period conference calls. From Sharon's response you can see that relationships are already forming.
  • This cohort is already becoming a community after 3-4 weeks even though it's members are around the world (Australia, the Philippines, Eastern Europe, the US)
So, take a moment to enjoy Sharon's post below.


Hey everyone, I'm Sharon checking in for the first time. Please forgive me as I was away on a camping trip in the rain with my dog in the red mud!!! Taking me a while to recuperate!!

Have a day off today and have been catching up on all 3 assignments - Maree and I have been CO2ing and listening most days and I have listened to the phone call you had yesterday. Wow, I feel like I know you all already!

God has been revealing so much to me over the past 4 weeks about 'the power of 2"! Maree and I had 2 days together recently (we live 1000kms apart) - I notice that our listening time is much more powerful when we are physically together. He started then speaking about this 2 concept and creating culture.

This is an excerpt from my journal from then, "Unity - not loneliness or aloneness. Isolation is a tool of the devil in mind, body and spirit. We were designed to live, love and work together. There is power in 2, not 1. Laughter comes where there is 2, joy and passion also. I created 2 to stand alongside each other, to be helpers, to bear each others burdens. This is My heart, to bring people back into unity, groups of 2 - to break the cycle of depression and addiction"

After reading through assignment 3 I feel that God is reinforcing this "Power of 2", there is a huge spiritual key here. I absolutely loved what Eugene Peterson had to say about the Song of Songs - " ... the lonely isolation of the solitary person must be invaded. Life to be meaningful must be joined; intimacy is a requirement of wholeness"

I look back into my own life and realise how alone I have been, how there has been a misconception of mistique and strength over the "lone ranger" type ... women especially made to feel isolated in their jobs or through suburban neurosis. I have been asked to pray for quite a few people this week with depression or some sort of addiction or neurosis and I just feel that the Lord is saying "this is the answer" .... I am flat out excited that God is revealing a key to fighting off all these things that have been plaguing His people all these years, and whats more - offering a real solution to those who are yet to become part of His body!


Friday, October 15, 2010

City Networks and listening

In the Luke Ten Community, we believe that the individual house church is important but it's not enough by itself. Our sense is that the Lord has said to us, "Smaller still. And, wider yet."

Smaller still is the "church of two" (CO2). A house church made up of multiple CO2s is well on it's way to becoming a "vibrant family of Jesus".

"Wider yet" means that individual house churches and their leaders are connecting regionally. In fact, this is the seventh of the seven key practices of the Luke Ten Community: Connecting in regional networks.

One of the expressions of this regional connection here in Colorado is periodic All-Gatherings. (See the picture above.) These grow out of our MRTs (regional apostolic teams) listening together for the Lord's direction. To see more of what is going on in Colorado, go to

The Luke Ten Community is a "community of practice". That means that we learn from each other on many levels. We would love to hear how the Lord is directing your regional network. Send me your story and I'll share it with the larger Community.


Thursday, October 14, 2010

10:2b in Australia

As we continue to "beseech the Lord of the Harvest", He continues to answer that prayer and connect us with apostolic people (both men and women) around the world who resonate with the vision of LK10.

Below is an email (shared with permission) from Margie James who lives with her husband near Perth, Australia and who has recently joined the Luke Ten Community. See What I love about it is that the Lord is so clearly arranging all of this. He is the one who has placed the same things in our hearts and in Margie and David's hearts.

Welcome Margie and David! We join with you today in asking the Harvest Master to thrust out both apostolic church planters and people of peace in your part of western Australia. Arrange divine connections for Margie and David with these people towards the end of a vibrant family of Jesus within easy reach of every person in Perth.


Hi John,

I would love to connect with Maree, can you connect us? (Margie had just watched the three part interview with Maree Watson here )

...David and I are eager to find others who can co2 with us, we have a few church friends but on the whole here in the west things move rather slow. We are praying the Luke 10:2 prayer and seeing a great result with other christians but we have not known them too long and we are getting opportunities to share the organic concept with them...there is a reluctance here in WA that if you have no 'covering', you have little to offer! (it would seem that 20+yrs is not valid christian practice?!) :)

So we are back to building on the foundations and relationships are growing, I discern some great things ahead with a few of the couples seeking to build a deeper walk together with us, so we are humbly looking to The Lord and waiting for His instructions. We are confident that the days ahead will be filled with more of Him and less of us!

I have a desire to go knocking on doors, the unction is so that I can hardly contain it, I have heard others say likewise...not sure what the outcome could be here, but excited nonetheless?

We are excited about Luk10 and Co2, and I have just watched your video with Kent, re MRT
...and this is exactly what Father is placing in my spirit. Such practical listening and apostolic collaboration with an authentic heart's desire to know what Jesus wants us to do. Asking Father, 'what is your Will for us today' is such a great Kingdom life relationship and one that we put into practice several years ago,so we are excited about this relational aspect of Kingdom Building and Communication.

I want to say I am greatly encouraged John, thankyou!

Margie James

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Listening (to God) is learnable (3)

There is a great deal of talk these days about being "missional" Christians. But, in the third and last part of this interview, Marty has a different take on this. In fact, he talks about the shift he has made from being "just missional to being incarnational". The focus, for Marty, is no longer trying to "figure out" how to be missional. Rather, it is learning to live like Jesus who was in constant communication with His Father. Marty references Jn. 12:49 where Jesus says that the Father told Him not only what to say but how to say it.

What this means for all of us in the Luke Ten Community is that "mission flows from listening". We are not missional because we are focusing on being missional. Rather, we focus on listening and see everything else (community, worship, mission, etc.) flow from that.


Monday, October 11, 2010

Listening (to God) is learnable (2)

Marty Reiswig is a church planter in Aurora which is east of Denver. Hobby Chapin is a church planter in Brighton which is north of Denver.

In the second part of this video interview (see below), Marty tells about "shadowing" Hobby as a way to learn to hear God and to see how this relates to leading house churches. I love the attitude that both of these guys have.

Marty illustrates the humility of a learner. "I want to hang out with you and learn everything I can."

Hobby illustrates the humility of a teacher who isn't "lording it over". "Let's hang out and learn together."

Notice also Marty's observation that Hobby does the same thing at all of his meetings (house church gathering, leaders' meetings, etc.) They check in with each other on the heart level and they talk about what they are hearing from God.

Take a look


Sunday, October 10, 2010

Listening (to God) is learnable (1)

The video below is the first of a three part interview with Marty Reiswig, Hobby Chapin and Desi Starr where they are talking about how they learned to hear God's voice. This will also give you a bit of the feel for one of our MRTs (regional apostolic teams) here in Denver.

In this first part, Marty observes that much of his life as a Christian involved a "personal relationship with the Bible" but not much of a "personal relationship with Jesus". The transition to an intimate conversational relationship with Jesus hasn't been easy. Marty shares what has helped him in making this shift.

To think Biblically about this idea of hearing God's voice, compare John the Baptist with the religious leaders in Jesus' day.

In John 1:32-34, John the Baptist reports that the only way he was able to identify that Jesus was the Son of God was that "the one (ie, God) who sent me told me". The quotation marks in verse 33 are very important! John is reporting what he heard from God (and it didn't come through Bible study!).

Now, compare with the Jewish leaders in John 5:33-47. These guys "diligently study the Scriptures" (v. 39) but, according to Jesus, "you have never heard His (the Father's) voice" (v. 37). As a result, they were unable to understand who Jesus was or to come to Him for life.

Our conclusion is not to downgrade Bible study but to upgrade the intimate conversational relationship with Jesus. The Bible remains our "authoritative guide for faith and practice". But, we realize that the primary practice that it points toward is hearing God's voice and obeying.

Learning to do this is the journey we are on.


Friday, October 8, 2010

How to plant a biker church

How would you start a church with people who are culturally different from you?

I'm an old (63 last month), white, middle class American. How would I help start a church with goths or hispanics or Russians or bikers?

I can think of two ways.

One way would be to begin to study the cultural group that I'm praying for. What is their language, their dress, their values, etc.? This is sometimes called "exegeting their culture". Then, I could attempt to adapt to that culture. Learn their language. Begin to dress and act like them. Sometimes God calls people to minister cross culturally like this.

The second way is what we see in Acts 10. Peter had been instructed by Jesus to "make disciples of all ethne (people groups)". One of those "people groups" that was culturally distant from Peter, a Galilean Jew, was Roman soldiers. In this case, Peter didn't begin to study Roman military culture and attempt to enlist in the army. He didn't start wearing a helmet and carrying a sword.

Rather, the Lord of the harvest (think Peter was praying Lk 10:2b?) provides Cornelius, a Roman officer, who completely understood the culture of that people group, as the "man of peace". No doubt, Cornelius became the spiritual father of a church birthed in his home. And, no doubt, many Roman soldiers came to Christ through him and became part of his house church.

So, how would you plant a biker church? You might study biker culture and begin wearing leathers and driving a big Harley. Or, you might beseech the Lord of the harvest to provide a "Cornelius" from the biker world. This is exactly what we see in Wade Adam's video interview with Ronnie Hurta (Taylor, TX) below.

What are you learning about praying 10:2b for the various ethne in your city or region?


Thursday, October 7, 2010

"House church as we have known it is preventing house church as God wants it."

Today I want to direct you to someone else's blog.

Specifically, to a blog post by Maurice Smith who is in Spokane, WA. This post is important because it addresses the issue of the "infrastructure" of the house church movement. For some time now, many of us have been hearing something like this from the Lord: "A great harvest is coming. Now is the time to "lay pipe". That is, to develop the "infrastructure" that will allow for a huge number of new believers to be well cared for and discipled. This infrastructure is mainly about leadership. A multitude of healthy spiritual moms and dads who can create healthy spiritual families (ie, churches)."

To do this, requires challenging some of the early values (Maurice calls them "maxims") of the house church movement. Here are some examples: no organization, no leaders, no paid leaders, etc. Why must these things be challenged? Because "house church as we (or, at least some) have known it is preventing house church as God wants it".

Developing this infrastructure is what The Luke Ten Community is all about. Our mission is to "Connect and equip house church leaders and house church planters around the world". We do this through this blog, through our website, through CO2s (churches of two), through MRTs (regional apostolic teams and networks) and through the Apprenticeship process.

Love to hear your comments!


Wednesday, October 6, 2010

10:2b - From Eastern Europe to central Texas

The fourth of seven practices that the LK10 Community is committed to is obedience to Jesus' command in Lk 10:2 to "beseech the Lord of the harvest to send forth workers". Jim and Cathy Mellon (as well as many others) have been praying this prayer for the Killeen area of Texas. See

So, what does it look like when the Lord of the harvest answers that prayer? See the video below for Wade Adams' (thank you, Wade!) interview with Roger Russell. Here are some of the things that jump out at me...

1. Roger is an experienced, mature "worker". (Sometimes we ask that God would send us people who are "fully formed".)
2. Roger has undergone a "radical personal transformation" from "strategic planning" to listening to God.
3. Roger is clear that God has called him to central Texas to plant churches. He has a vision for that region and then the whole country and the world.

What jumps out at you in the interview?

Note: Roger and Wade and Jim are part of an MRT (an apostolic team) that meets at a Starbucks every week to listen for God's instructions re church planting in their part of Texas.


Tuesday, October 5, 2010

CO2s enhance house churches

Pair relationships were the "basic building block" of Jesus' ministry. We see this in Mt. 10:2-4. We notice there that the 12 are listed but we also see that they are listed in pairs.

Simon and Peter.
James and John.
Philip and Bartholomew.
Thomas and Matthew.
James and Thaddaeus.
Simon and Judas. (must have been an interesting CO2!)

Pair relationships are also the "basic building block" of healthy house churches. Margee Ramsey (who happens to be my daughter!) began a CO2 (church of two) with Brittani Morris as a result of joining our Apprenticeship. Below, she shares below how her CO2 has enhanced her experience of house church.


Monday, October 4, 2010

Why coaching?

You've heard me make a big deal out of coaching as a critical part of the Apprenticeship process. We've tried to clarify that coaching (as we are using the word) is different from mentoring. Mentoring is more about pouring into someone. Coaching is more about drawing out. Both are important but they are different.

This last week, Ron Longwell (Abilene, TX), who is part of Tim Pynes' cohort, experienced a coaching session with Tim. See below for Ron's evaluation of the experience.


I've been thinking a lot this week about my coaching conversation with Tim on Monday. I've been coached a bit before, and have done a bit myself, but Monday's discussion with Time really reaffirmed my appreciation for the value of coaching. I've known for some time that coaching had real value and perhaps held the most promise for helping people move forward in their spiritual life. The thing I really love about coaching is that done right, it's completely non-manipulative, because it starts with the presupposition that the person being coached knows more about their circumstances and how to address them than the coach does. Tim asked me some great questions on Monday that really helped me to see things from a different angle, which really helped. I feel like I've got a little more direction now regarding my own circumstances (because I'm more open to other possibilities than I was). I say all that to say that I'm really excited about having someone like Tim function as a sounding board for me for a few months here. The helpfulness of just this one conversation has been a godsend. Thanks, Tim!

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Apprenticeship: Week Two (2)

I'm doing these posts about the Apprenticeship for two reasons.

First, because it's a way for each of the three cohorts to learn from each other. LK10 in general and the Apprenticeship in particular are "communities of practice". Another term might be "learning communities". We believe we as practitioners can learn a great deal from others who are engaging the core practices.

Second, because it's a way for people who are not currently in the Apprenticeship to gain a clearer understanding of what happens in these "communities of practice". In January, we anticipate opening up some new cohorts. Listening to these stories will help people as they consider entering the Apprenticeship.

Below is Tim Pynes commenting on what he's seeing in his cohort after two weeks. He explains more about the difference between coaching and mentoring. Also, one amazing aspect of his community of ten people is that it has members in the Philippines, in Eastern Europe and in Australia as well as several places in the US. My sense is that in the next year we will see the Apprenticeship spreading rapidly around the world.

Comments or questions?


Saturday, October 2, 2010

"This new partnership of CO2"

Dean Cross is the Battalion Chief of the Folsom (CA) Fire Department and a member of Tim Pynes' cohort in our LK10 Apprenticeship. Dean reported this wonderful CO2 story last week on the cohort discussion board.


Yesterday, My new CO2 partner Daniel and I had an amazing few hours together. Daniel came to my place of work and road along with me as he also is looking into a fire service carreer. We many time respond to animal and pest concerns if the incident is immediately hazardous. A woman called into the business line and was getting attacked by wasps at her front door. Normally, being the Battalion Chief, I usually assign these types of calls to an engine crew, yet I now know it was the Lord that was telling me to go take care of this problem myself.
The resident ends up being a very prophetic prayerful sister in the Lord in her 70s that I knew years ago from a church we attended. So she invites us in and I begins telling both Daniel and I amazing stories on hearing God's voice and His going before us to battle. I felt the Lord nudge me to have her pray for Daniel and I in this new partnership of CO2 and we all felt the Spirit of God rush over us as she prayed the most amazing prayer for me and Daniel that I have ever heard. She ended the prayer by quoting Matthew 28: 18 Then Jesus came to them and said, "All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. 19Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in[a] the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age."

I have experienced this twice this week and it is like I hear God saying, there is power when two or three are coming before His throne praying for each other and for God's heart and passion to know us intimately. I just wanted to share this mountain top experience with all of you and yes we did take care of her wasp problem without getting stung. I believe God used this to bring us all together in the first place. She also agreed to continue to pray for us in this area of Luke 10:2b. She knew the passage before I could even tell her what it said. Nice knowing there are older and wiser saints out there being prayer warriors for us.