Monday, January 11, 2010

Every home a church

The motto of the Chinese housechurch movement is:

*Every home a church
*Every believer a church planter
*Every church building a training center

Sean and Jessica Hyatt, in Aurora, CO used the CO2 concept to live this out in their home. Here's Sean's description...

My wife and I participated in the October experiment by CO2’ing together that month. It was a wonderful experience. Since then I have also enjoyed practicing the CO2 concept with a couple close brothers in my church family, and with other brothers in various ways.

Well, last week I believe the Lord put on my heart the idea and burden to CO2 as a household, daily, with my wife and children. So, we have been practicing this together for almost a week now. Easier said than done – but it has also been incredibly rewarding and transformational for our family already!

What I felt on my heart was a concept about following Christ together, daily, with one’s entire household - those with whom we share a roof over our heads, food, finances, and everyday life. Already my wife and I (along with our 10 and 7 yr old boys, 1 yr old daughter, and little dog) have enjoyed some wonderful times of worship and devotion together since the new year began. All checking in together, then spending some time praying and listening, then sharing what we hear the Lord saying to us together, and trying to obey it, together. Following Him daily – together.

I would be happy to write again as we get further into the month with some highlights on what we’ve been hearing from the Lord, how it’s been going, and further thoughts on this concept of “CO2’ing” with one’s household.

Thanks, Sean! We'll look forward to hearing more from you on this. And, we would love to hear stories of others who are doing something similar. Imagine if this became the norm for American Christians! Click on "Comments" and tell us your story.


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