One of the key skills in leading an individual house church or in leading a network of churches is coaching.
Some of our LK10 coaches are very experienced (like Walt Hastings in the video below). But, even our beginner coaches are seeing God work powerfully as they come alongside (functioning as a parakalete) the coachee to help them hear God. (We are finding that many people are unfamiliar with this kind of coaching and are amazed to see what can happen.)
Here's a report from a session with a fairly new coach...
"When doing my coaching with (my cohort coach) this past weekend, I think we were both in awe and worship of how the Lord directed us to come to what He wanted me to hear. It was truly remarkable stuff about me being comfortable with the messiness of situations, being flexible to deviate from "my" plans so that I can receive the Lord's power and love to give power and love to others. Even to take risks to put me in this situation so that I can practice it. All this from a single coaching session!"
We're praying that the Lord will raise up an army of skilled LK10 coaches.
We're praying that the Lord will raise up an army of skilled LK10 coaches.
Brilliant interview, John. Thanks for broadcasting for us!